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(griech.)in der griech. Antike ein Preisgesang auf Götter oder Heroen, im Christentum dann ein unbegleitetes liturg. Lied. In der byzantin. Liturgie ist die H. wesentl. Bestandteil des Gottesdienstes, im Westen wurde die H. seit dem Mittelalter auch polyphon und instrumental begleitet eingesetzt. Als säkulare National-H. hat diese Musikform auch polit. Symbolwert erlangt.

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ETYM Old Eng. antym, antefne, AS. antefen, from Late Lat. antiphona, from Greek antiphona, neut. pl. of antiphonon antiphon, or anthem.
1. A song in honor of a nation or people.
2. Any song or hymn of praise.
In music, a short, usually elaborate, religious choral composition, sometimes accompanied by the organ; also a song of loyalty and devotion.
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ETYM Old Eng. hympne, hympne, French hymne, Old Fren. also hymne, Latin hymnus, Greek.
(Homonym: him).
A song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation); SYN. anthem.
Song in praise of a deity. Examples include Ikhnaton’s hy
mn to the Aton in ancient Egypt, the ancient Greek Orphic hymns, Old Testament psalms, extracts from the New Testament (such as the “Ave Maria”), and hymns by the British writers John Bunyan (“Who would true valor see”) and Charles Wesley (“Hark! the herald angels sing”). The earliest sources of modern hymn melodies can be traced to the 11th and 12th centuries, and the earliest polyphonic settings date from the late 14th century. Gospel music and carols are forms of Christian hymn singing. + prikaži više


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