Gravur prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Gravur | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

Radierung, Kupfer- oder Stahlstich.
figürliche oder ornamentale Darstellung, die in Metall, Stein, Elfenbein oder Holz graviert ist.

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srpski · francuski



1. A block or plate that has been engraved.
2. A print made from an engraving.
3. Making engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them; SYN. etching.
Art of
creating a design by means of inscribing blocks of metal, wood, or some other hard material with a point. With intaglio printing the design is cut into the surface of a plate, usually metal. It is these cuts, often very fine, which hold the ink. In relief printing, by contrast, it is the areas left when the rest has been cut away which are inked for printing. See printmaking. + prikaži više




1. A print produced by gravure; SYN. photogravure, heliogravure.
2. Intaglio printing.
One of the three main printing methods, in which
printing is done from a plate etched with a pattern of recessed cells in which the ink is held. The greater the depth of a cell, the greater the strength of the printed ink. Gravure plates are expensive to make, but the process is economical for high-volume printing and reproduces illustrations well. + prikaži više

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Graveur | Graveure

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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