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Cary, 1904, 1986, US-amerik. Schauspieler; bes. erfolgreich in Filmen A. Hitchcocks.

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Adopted name of Archibald Leach (1904-1986) British-born actor, a US citizen from 1942. His witty, debonair personality made him a screen favorite for more than three decades. He was directed by Alfred Hitchcock in Suspicion 1941, Notorious 1946, To Catch a Thief 1955, and North by Northwest 1959. He received a 1970 Academy Award for general excellence. His other films include She Done Him Wrong 1933, Bringing Up Baby 1937, and The Philadelphia Story 1940. + prikaži više

Grant | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Ulysses Simpson, 1822, 1885, US-amerik. Offizier u. Politiker (Republikaner); kämpfte im Sezessionskrieg erfolgreich gegen die Südstaaten; 1869–77 (18.) Präs. der USA.

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S(impson) (1822-1885) US Civil War general in chief for the Union and 18th president of the US 1869–77. As a Republican president, he carried through a liberal Reconstruction policy in the South. He failed to suppress extensive political corruption within his own party and cabinet, which tarnished the reputation of his second term.
Born Hiram Ulysses Grant in Point Pleasant, Ohio, he graduated from Wes
t Point 1843 and had an unsuccessful career in the army 1839–54 and in business. At the outbreak of the Civil War he received a commission on the Mississippi front. His military career nearly ended in failure when Confederate forces surprised him at the Battle of Shiloh 1862, but Abraham Lincoln’s support was unwavering and Grant quickly redeemed himself, showing an aggressive fighting spirit. By his capture of Vicksburg in 1863 he brought the whole Mississippi front under Northern control and slowly wore down the Confederate general Lee’s resistance, receiving his surrender at Appomattox 1865. He was elected president 1868 and reelected 1872. As president, he reformed the civil service and ratified the Treaty of Washington with the UK 1871. His two volume Memoirs were very successful and restored his finances. + prikaži više

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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