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Sammelbez. für aus Gräsern gezüchtete landwirtschaftl. Kulturpflanzen wie Weizen, Gerste, Hafer, Roggen, Hirse, Reis, Mais, deren Körner als Nahrungsmittel, zur Herstellung von Branntwein, Malz und Stärke und als Viehfutter verwendet werden. Die G.halme finden als Viehfutter, als Flecht- und Verpackungsmaterial und zur Gewinnung von Zellulose Verwendung.
Kulturpflanzen, die in Ähren oder Rispen angeordnete mehlreiche u. trockene Körner tragen. Sie dienen der Ernährung des Menschen (Brot-G.) u. der Haustiere (Futter-G.). Hauptgetreidearten in Europa sind Roggen, Weizen, Gerste u. Hafer, auch Buchweizen, in den südl. Zonen u. in Asien Reis, Mais u. Hirse.

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(Homonym: serial).
1. A breakfast food prepared from grain.
2. Grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet; SYN. cereal grass.
Grass grown for its edible, nutrient-rich, starchy seeds. The term refers primarily to wheat, oats, rye, and barley, but may also refer to corn, millet, and rice. Cereals contain about 75% complex carbohydr
ates and 10% protein, plus fats and fiber (roughage). They store well. If all the world's cereal crop were consumed as whole-grain products directly by humans, everyone could obtain adequate protein and carbohydrate; however, a large proportion of cereal production in affluent nations is used as animal feed to boost the production of meat, dairy products, and eggs.
The term also refers to breakfast foods prepared from the seeds of cereal crops. Some cereals require cooking (porridge oats), but most are ready to eat. Mass-marketed cereals include refined and sweetened varieties as well as whole cereals such as muesli. Whole cereals are more nutritious and provide more fiber than the refined cereals, which often have vitamins and flavorings added to replace those lost in the refining process.
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Area of thickened skin on or between the toes. It is usually caused by pressure from part of the shoe. Treatment of painful corns is an important part of chiropody.
Cultivated New World plant Zea mays of the grass family, with the grain borne on cobs enclosed in husks. It is also called corn or Indian corn. It was domesticated by 6,000 BC in Mesoamerica, where it grew wild. It became the staple crop for the Neolithic farming villages and civilizations of Mexico and Peru; it was cultivated throughout most of the New World at the point of European contact. It was brought to Europe, Asia, and Africa by the colonizing powers, but its use is mainly for anim
al feed in those regions. In the US, a corn monoculture dominates the Midwest, where many hybrids have been developed for both human food and animal feed. Today it is grown extensively in all subtropical and warm temperate regions, and its range has been extended to colder zones by hardy varieties developed in the 1960s.
Corn is eaten fresh (on the cob or creamed), canned (niblets), frozen, and in dried forms (cornmeal, popcorn), and is made into hominy, polenta, cornflour, and corn bread. It is pressed for corn oil and fermented into a mash, which, distilled, is corn liquor (whiskey). Most of the methods of storing, processing, and cooking corn can be traced to Native American recipes. Popcorn has been found in archeological sites in the SW dating from 4,000 BC. Corn stalks are made into paper and hardboard.
1. Tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times; SYN. maize, Indian corn, Zea mays.
2. Ears of corn grown for human food; SYN. edible corn.
3. The dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal.
4. A hard thickening of the skin (especially of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes; SYN. clavus.
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ETYM Old Eng. crop, croppe, craw, top of a plant, harvest, AS. crop, cropp, craw, top, bunch, ear of corn.
(agriculture) Any plant product grown or harvested for human use. Over 80 crops are grown worldwide, providing people with the majority of their food and supplying fibers, rubber, pharmaceuticals, dyes, and other materials. Crops grown for export are cash crops. A catch crop is one grown in the interval between two main crops.
There are four main groups of crops. F
ood crops provide the bulk of people’s food worldwide. The main types are cereals, roots, pulses (peas, beans), vegetables, fruits, oil crops, tree nuts, sugar, and spices. Cereals make the largest contribution to human nutrition. Forage crops are those such as grass and clover which are grown to feed livestock. Forage crops cover a greater area of the world than food crops. Grasses, which dominate this group, form the world’s most abundant crop, consisting mostly of wild species grown in an unimproved state. Fiber crops produce vegetable fibers. Temperate areas produce flax and hemp, but the most valuable fiber crops are cotton, jute, and sisal, which are grown mostly in the tropics. Cotton dominates fiber-crop production. Miscellaneous crops include tobacco, rubber, ornamental flowers, and plants that produce perfumes, pharmaceuticals, and dyes.
1. The stock or handle of a whip.
2. The yield from plants in a single growing season; SYN. harvest.
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The smallest unit of mass in the three English systems (avoirdupois, troy, and apothecaries' weights) used in the UK and US, equal to 0.0648 g. It was reputedly the weight of a grain of wheat. One pound avoirdupois equals 7,000 grains; one pound troy or apothecaries' weight equals 5,760 grains.
1. Dry seedlike fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn; SYN. caryopsis.
2. Cereal grain suitable as food for animals or human beings; SYN. food grain, cereal.
3. A small hard particle.
4. The direction or texture of fibers found in wood or leather or stone or in a woven fabric.
5. Measurement used for pearls or diamonds: 50 mg or 1/4 carat; SYN. metric grain.
6. 1/7000 pound; equals a troy grain or 64.799 milligrams.
7. 1/60 dram; equals an avoirdupois grain or 64.799 milligrams.
Unit of weight equal to 1/7000 of a pound
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1. A stack (as of hay) in the open air
2. A pile of material (as cordwood) split from short logs
Also known as stack or haystack; A large and carefully built heap of loose hay or straw. Traditi
onally, it was thatched on top to keep out the rain.
Until the late 1940s free-standing ricks were the universal method of storing hay or straw, and the method is still used on some small farms. Considerable skill is required to achieve a regular shape and to thatch the rick effectively. The introduction of baling machinery made the rick obsolete, and thatch has been largely replaced by plastic sheeting.
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