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ETYM Old Eng. bene, AS. beán; akin to Dutch boon, German bohne, Old High Germ. pôna, Icel. baun, Dan. bönne, Swed. böna, and perh. to Russ. bob, Latin faba.
1. Any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae; SYN. edible bean.
2. Any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods; SYN. bean plant.
3. Any of various seeds or fruits suggestive of beans.
Any seed of numerous leguminous plants. Beans are rich in nitrogenous or pr
otein matter and are grown both for human consumption and as food for cattle and horses. Varieties of bean are grown throughout Europe, the US, South America, China, Japan, SE Asia, and Australia.
The broad bean Vicia faba has been cultivated in Europe since prehistoric times. The French bean, kidney bean, or haricot Phaseolus vulgaris is probably of South American origin; the runner bean Phaseolus coccineus is closely allied to it, but differs in its climbing habit. Among beans of warmer countries are the lima or butter bean Phaseolus lunatus of South America; the soy bean Glycine max, extensively used in China and Japan; and the winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus of SE Asia. The tuberous root of the winged bean has potential as a main crop in tropical areas where protein deficiency is common. The Asian mung bean Phaseolus mungo yields the bean sprouts used in Chinese cooking. Canned baked beans are usually a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris, which grows well in the US.
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