Fawkes prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Fawkes | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Guy , York 18.4.1570, +London 31.1.1606, engl. kath. Adliger, führte 1605 die Pulververschwörung gegen das protestant. Unterhaus. Nach dem Fehlschlag des Attentats wurde F. hingerichtet. Der Tag des Anschlags (5.11) wird bis heute als F.-Day gefeiert.


muški rodlično ime

(1570-1606) English conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up King James I and the members of both Houses of Parliament. Fawkes, a Roman Catholic convert, was arrested in the cellar underneath the House 4 Nov 1605, tortured, and executed. The event is still commemorated in Britain and elsewhere every 5 Nov with bonfires, fireworks, and the burning of the “guy”, an effigy. + prikaži više

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