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(lat. 'ich') In der psychoanalyt. Theorie Freuds dasjenige Teilsystem in der Persönlichkeitsstruktur des Menschen, das die Realitätsanpassung ermöglicht. Das E. koordiniert die Impulse und Triebe mit den moral. Ansprüchen.

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ETYM Latin, I.
1. An inflated feeling of pride in one's superiority to others; SYN. egotism, self-importance.
2. (Psychoanalysis) The conscious mind.
In psychology, the processes concerned with the
self and a person's conception of himself or herself, encompassing values and attitudes. In Freudian psychology, the term refers specifically to the element of the human mind that represents the conscious processes concerned with reality, in conflict with the id (the instinctual element) and the superego (the ethically aware element).
Initially, Freud used the term as a synonym for self-preservation.
I; self; personality.
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