Diderot prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Diderot | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Denis , Langres 5.10.1713. +Paris 31.7.1784, frz. Schriftsteller und Philosoph, Hauptvertreter der Aufklärung. D. war Herausgeber und Hauptverfasser der großen frz. Enzyklopädie (seit 1751) im Geiste des Freidenkertums, für das er auch mit journalist. Mitteln kämpfte; seine bürgerl. moral., rührseligen Schauspiele (z.B. 'Der Hausvater', 1758) wurden in Deutschland nachgeahmt. Vielgelesen waren seinerzeit auch seine erot. Romane (u.a.'Die Nonne', 1796).

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(1713-1784) French philosopher. He is closely associated with the Enlightenment, the European intellectual movement for social and scientific progress, and was editor of the enormously influential Encyclopédie 1751–80.
An expanded and politici
zed version of the English encyclopedia 1728 of Ephraim Chambers (c. 1680–1740), this work exerted an enormous influence on contemporary social thinking with its materialism and anticlericalism. Its compilers were known as Encyclopédistes.
Diderot’s materialism, most articulately expressed in D’Alembert’s Dream, published after Diderot’s death, sees the natural world as nothing more than matter and motion.
His account of the origin and development of life is purely mechanical.
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