Demografie prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Bevölkerungsentwicklung · Bevölkerungslehre · Bevölkerungsstatistik · Bevölkerungswissenschaft · Demographie
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ETYM Greek demos the people + -graphy.
The branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations; SYN. human ecology.
Study of the size, structure, dispersement, and development of human populations to establish reliable statistics on such factors as birth and death rates, marriages and divorces, life expectancy, and migration. Demography is used to calculate life
tables, which give the life expectancy of members of the population by sex and age.
Demography is significant in the social sciences as the basis for industry and for government planning in such areas as education, housing, welfare, transport, and taxation. Demographic changes are important for many businesses. For example, the fall in the number of people aged 10–20 during the 1980s and the first half of the 1990s has led to many school closures, a shrinkage in the potential market for teenage clothes, and a fall in the number of young people available for recruitment into jobs by employers. Equally, the forecast rise in the number of people aged 75+ over the next 20 years will lead to an expansion of demand for accommodation for the elderly.
Study of population statistics.
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human ecology

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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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