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Defoe | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Daniel , London Ende 1659 oder Anfang 1660, +ebd. 26.4.1731, engl. Schriftsteller, Begründer des modernen Journalismus ('moral.' Wochenschrift 'Review' 1704 ff.). D. schrieb Satiren und Romane. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist der auf das Tagebuch des schiffbrüchigen schott. Seemannes Alexander Selkirk zurückgehende Abenteuerroman 'Robinson Crusoe' (1719/1720). Weitere Werke: 'Moll Flanders' (Roman, 1722), 'Roxana' (Roman, 1724).

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(1660-1731) English writer. His Robinson Crusoe 1719, though purporting to be a factual account of shipwreck and solitary survival, was influential in the development of the novel. The fictional Moll Flanders 1722 and the partly factual A Journal of the Plague Year 1724 are still read for their concrete realism. A prolific journalist and pamphleteer, he was imprisoned 1702–04 for the ironic The Shortest Way with Dissenters 1702.
Defoe wrote numerous pamphlets and first achieved fame with the satire The True-Born Englishman 1701. His version of the contemporary short story ‘True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs Veal’ 1706 first revealed a gift for realistic narrative.
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