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ženski rodgramatika

Eine Sammlung von gleichen oder ähnlichen Informationen, die bei der Speicherung auf einem Datenträger als Einheit betrachtet wird. Eine Datei hat immer einen Namen, unter der sie angesprochen werden kann, sowie eine Typzuordnung. Siehe auch:MIME, Extension<br /> Zusammengehörende Daten, die mit einem Anwendungsprogramm erstellt und unter einem eindeutigen Namen auf dem Datenträger gespeichert werden.
nach bestimmten Gesichtspunkten geordnete Zusammenstellung von Daten.
Kunstwort in Anlehnung an eine aus Karten gebildete Kartei. Unter D. versteht man eine Sammlung von Daten, die räuml. zusammengefaßt sind. Grundelement einer D. ist ein sog. Datensatz, der zusammengehörige Daten enthält, die einen bestimmten Gegenstand oder eine Thematik betreffen.

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Plural of the Latin datum, meaning an item of information. In practice, data is often used for the singular as well as the plural form of the noun. See also datum. Compare information.
Facts, figures, and symbols, especially as stored in computers. The term is often used to mean raw, unprocessed facts, as distinct from information, to which a meaning or interpretation has been applied.A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; SYN. information.
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data file




data set


1. A collection of related information made up of separate elements that can be treated as a unit in data handling.
2. In communications, a modem. See also modem.
data set



A self-describing collection of integrated records.
A file composed of records, each containing fields together with a set of operations for searching, sorting, recombining, and other functions. Acronym: DB.
An organized body of related information.
In computing, a structured collection of data, which may be manipulated to select and sort desired items of information. For example, an accounting system might be built around a database containing details of customers and suppliers. In larger computers, the database makes data available to the various programs that nee
d it, without the need for those programs to be aware of how the data are stored. The term is also sometimes used for simple record-keeping systems, such as mailing lists, in which there are facilities for searching, sorting, and producing records.
There are three main types (or “models”): hierarchical, network, and relational, of which relational is the most widely used. A free-text database is one that holds the unstructured text of articles or books in a form that permits rapid searching.
A collection of databases is known as a databank. A database-management system (DBMS) program ensures that the integrity of the data is maintained by controlling the degree of access of the applications programs using the data. Databases are normally used by large organizations with mainframes or minicomputers.
A telephone directory stored as a database might allow all the people whose names start with the letter B to be selected by one program, and all those living in Chicago by another.
A large amount of data stored in a well-organized manner. A data base management system (DBMS) is a program that allows access to the information. data base
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(Homonym: phial).
1. A container for keeping papers in order; SYN. file cabinet, filing cabinet.
2. A line of persons or thi
ngs ranged one behind the other; SYN. single file, Indian file.
3. A set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together; SYN. data file.
4. A steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal.
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A set of related records or data treated as a unit.
In computing, a collection of data or a program stored in a computer’s external memory (for example, on disc). It might include anything from information on a company’s employees to a program for an adventure game. Serial files hold information
as a sequence of characters, so that, to read any particular item of data, the program must read all those that precede it. Random-access files allow the required data to be reached directly.
Files usually consist of a set of records, each having a number of fields for specific items of data. For example, the file for a class of schoolchildren might have a record for each child, with five fields of data in each record, storing: (1) family name; (2) first name; (3) house name or number; (4) street name; (5) town. To find out, for example, which children live on the same street, one would look in field 4.
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