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Carl, Neffe von 3), 1874, 1940, dt. Chemiker; ab 1925 Direktor der I. G. Farbenind. AG; führte die von F. Haber entwickelte Synthese von Ammoniak in großtechn. Maßstab durch u. machte sich um die Entwicklung der Kohlehydrierung verdient; Nobelpreis zus. mit F. Bergius 1931.


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(1874-1940) German metallurgist and chemist. He developed the Haber process from a small-scale technique for the production of ammonia into an industrial high-pressure process that made use of water gas as a source of hydrogen. He shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1931 with Friedrich Bergius.
Bosch was born in Cologne and studied at Leipzig. He took a job with Badische An
ilin und Sodafabrik (BASF), and by 1902 was working on methods of fixing the nitrogen present in the Earth's atmosphere. At that time, the only large sources of nitrogen compounds essential for the production of fertilizers and explosives were in the natural deposits of nitrates in Chile. Learning of the Haber process 1908, Bosch set up a team of chemists and engineers to improve on it and reproduce it on a large scale. Heavy demand from the military during World War I caused BASF to expand. From 1925 Bosch was chair of the vast industrial conglomerate IG Farbenindustrie AG after its formation from the merger of BASF with other German industrial concerns.
Bosch's other scientific work was on the synthesis of methyl alcohol and of gasoline from coal tar.
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Bosch | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Hieronymus, eigentl. H. van Aeken, um 1450, 1516, niederl. Maler; schilderte alptraumhaft u. mit unerschöpfl. Phantasie Versuchungen des Fleisches u. Höllenstrafen. Dämon. Wesen versammeln sich in oft schwer deutbaren Allegorien zur Peinigung der Menschheit.


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(Jerome) (c. 1450-1516) Early Dutch painter. His fantastic visions of weird and hellish creatures, as shown in The Garden of Earthly Delights about 1505–10 (Prado, Madrid), show astonishing imagination and a complex imagery. His religious subjects focused not on the holy figures but on the mass of ordinary witnesses, placing the religious event in a contemporary Dutch context and creating cruel caricatures of human sinfulness.
Bosch is named for his birthplace, 's-Hertogenbosch, in North Brabant, the Netherlands. His work, which influenced Brueghel the Elder and f
oreshadowed Surrealism, was probably inspired by a local religious brotherhood. However, he was an orthodox Catholic and a prosperous painter, not a heretic, as was once believed. After his death, his work was collected by Philip II of Spain.
The source of his fantastic art, to which there is nothing comparable in the early Netherlandish School, cannot be exactly stated, though it evidently derives from the satire, humor, popular symbolism and folklore of the later Middle Ages. Thus The Ship of Fools (Louvre) is a decidedly medieval conception, and The haywain (Madrid) is clearly an allegory satirizing the pursuit of wealth and material aims. Well known and highly appreciated during his lifetime and in the 16th century, Philip the Fair of Burgundy commissioned a Last Judgment from him and Philip II delighted in his works. Bosch was suspected of heresy by some Spanish writers, and unexplained elements in his paintings have led to a modern theory that he was a member of a heretical (Adamite) sect, this mainly referring to the triptych Paradise, Earth and Hell now in the Prado, though the theory is not supported by any definite evidence.
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Bosch | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Robert, 1861, 1942, dt. Elektrotechniker; Pionier im Bau elektr. Ausrüstungen von Kraftfahrzeugen; gründete 1886 in Stuttgart eine elektro-techn.-feinmechan. Werkstatt, aus der die Robert Bosch GmbH hervorging; brachte 1902 die Hochspannung-Magnetzündung für Kraftfahrzeuge heraus (B.-Zünder).

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