Blake prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Blake | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Robert, 1599, 1657, engl. Admiral; Anhänger O. Cromwells; vernichtete 1657 die span. Flotte.


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(1599-1657) British admiral of the Parliamentary forces during the English Civil War. Appointed “general-at-sea” 1649, he destroyed Prince Rupert’s privateering fleet off Cartagena, Spain, in the following year. In 1652 he won several engagements against the Dutch navy. In 1654 he bombarded Tunis, the stronghold of the Barbary corsairs, and in 1657 captured the Spanish treasure fleet in Santa Cruz. + prikaži više

Blake | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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William, 1757, 1827, engl. Maler, Graphiker u. Schriftst.; einer der Hauptmeister der engl. Romantik, dessen visionäre, vom myst. Erleben geprägte Kunst dichter. Inhalte in eigenwillige, von der Realität entfernte sinnbildl. Darstellungen umsetzte u. den Präraffaelismus vorbereiten half.


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(1757-1827) English poet, artist, engraver, and visionary. He was one of the most important figures of English Romanticism. His lyrics, as in Songs of Innocence 1789 and Songs of Experience 1794, express spiritual wisdom in radiant imagery and symbolism and are often written with a childlike simplicity. In prophetic books like The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 1790, America 1793, and Milton 1804, he created a vast personal mythology. He illustrated his own works with hand-colored engravings.
Blake was born in London and apprenticed to an engraver 1771–78. He illustrated the Bible, works by Dante and Shakespeare, and his own poems. His figures are usually elongated and heavily muscled. In his later years he attracted a group of followers, including the painter Samuel Palmer, who called themselves the Ancients. Henry Fuseli was another admirer. Blake’s poem ‘Jerusalem’ 1820 was set to music by Charles Parry.
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