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ETYM French carričre race course, high road, street, from Latin carrus wagon. Related to Car.
1. The general progression of one's working or professional life; SYN. life history.
2. The particular occupation for which one is trained; SYN. calling, vocation.



ETYM Prov. Eng. job, gob, a small piece of wood, v., to stab, strike; cf. Eng. gob, gobbet; perh. influenced by Eng. chop to cut off, to mince. Related to Gob.
1. The occupation for which o
ne is paid; SYN. employment, work.
2. The performance of a piece of work.
3. A specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee; SYN. task, chore.
4. A workplace; as in the expression.
5. (Computer science) A program application that may consist of several steps but is a single logical unit.
6. The responsibility to do something.
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Book of Job · Job · business · caper · chore · lin · line of work · occupation · problem · task + prikaži više



ETYM Latin occupatio: cf.French occupation.
1. The principal professional activity in one's life; SYN. business, line of work, line.
2. The act of occupying or taking pos
session of a building; SYN. occupancy, taking possession.
3. Any activity that occupies a person's attention.
4. A body of people doing the same kind of work; SYN. vocation, occupational group.
5. The act of taking occupancy; SYN. occupying, moving in.
6. The control of a country by military forces of a foreign power; SYN. military control.
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business · job · lin · line of work · military control · moving in · occupancy · taking possession + prikaži više



ETYM French, from Latin professio. Related to Profess.
1. Affirmation of acceptance of some religion or faith.
2. An occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences).
3. The body of people in a learned occupation; SYN. community.

community · professing



ETYM Formerly, a path, Old Eng. tred a footmark. Related to Tread.
1. The business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; SYN. patronage.
2. The commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods a
nd services.
3. The skilled practice of a practical occupation; SYN. craft.
Exchange of commodities between groups or individuals. Direct trade is usually known as barter, whereas indirect trade is carried out through a medium such as money.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, for example, barter between Europeans and West Africans was based on units of value called sortings. A sorting might consist of a quantity of cloth or oil. The amount of goods in each sorting varied according to supply and demand.
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barter · business deal · craft · deal · patronage · swap · swop · trade wind + prikaži više

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