Baker prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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James Addison, 28.4.1930, US-amerik. Politiker (Republikaner); 1985–88 Finanz-Min., entwarf einen Plan (B.-Plan) zur Lösung des Schuldenproblems der Dritten Welt; 1989-92 Außen-Min.


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(Addison), III (1930-) US Republican politician. Under President Reagan, he was White House chief of staff 1981–85 and Treasury secretary 1985–88. After managing George Bush's successful presidential campaign, Baker was appointed secretary of state 1989 and played a prominent role in the 1990–91 Gulf crisis and the subsequent search for a lasting Middle East peace settlement. In 1992 he left the State Department to become White House chief of staff and to oversee Bush's reelection campaign.
A lawyer from Houston, Texas, Baker entered politics 1970 as one of the managers of his friend George Bush’s unsuccessful campaign for the Senate. He served as undersecretary of commerce 1975–76 in the Ford administration and was deputy manager of the 1976 and 1980 Ford and Bush presidential campaigns. Baker joined the Reagan administration 1981 and in 1988 masterminded the campaign that won Bush the presidency. The most powerful member of the Bush team, he was described as an effective “prime minister”.
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Baker | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Sir Samuel White, 1821, 1893, engl. Afrika-Reisender; eroberte 1870–73 die Länder am Weißen Nil für Ägypten.


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(1821-1893) English explorer, in 1864 the first European to sight Lake Albert Nyanza (now Lake Mobutu Sese Seko) in central Africa, and discover that the river Nile flowed through it.
He founded an agricultural colony in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), built a railroad across the Dobruja, and in 1861 set out to discover the source of the Nile. His wife, Florence von Sass, accompanied him. From 1869 to 1873 he was governor-general of the Nile equatorial regions.
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Baker | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Josephine, 1906, 1975, US-amerik. Revue-Tänzerin; Gründerin eines Kinderdorfs.

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