ésotérisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

ésotérisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


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Ensemble des principes qui régissent la transmission d'une doctrine ou partie de doctrine ésotérique.

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Esoteric doctrine or principles.
Belief in an interior path where an individual gains insight and salvation from special knowledge (for example, Gnosticism). The journey on this path requires an active imagination and i
n some cases the perceived presence of intermediary figures such as angels.
Esotericism was an element of the mystery religions of the ancient world, and was introduced to Christianity in the early Middle Ages. There has been a revival of interest in esotericism in the second half of the 20th century with the development of the spiritual movements of anthroposophy and theosophy, which combine elements of Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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