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vélocité | francusko - engleski rečnik


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ETYM as. spoed success, swiftness, from spoewan to succeed; akin to Dutch spoed, Old High Germ. spuot success, spuot to succees, Skr. sphâ to increase, grow fat.
1. A rate (usually rapid) at which something happens; SYN. swiftness, fastness.
2. Changing location rapidly; SYN. speeding, hurrying, hastening.
3. Distance travelled per unit of time; SYN. velocity.
Prosperity; success.
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amphetamine · f number · fastness · focal ratio · hurrying · pep pill · speeding · stop number · swiftness · upper · velocity + prikaži više



ETYM Latin velocitas, from velox, -ocis, swift, quick; perhaps akin to volare to fly: cf. French vélocité.
Speed of an object in a given direction. Velocity is a vector quantity, since its direction is important as well as its magnitude (or speed).
The velocity at any instant
of a particle traveling in a curved path is in the direction of the tangent to the path at the instant considered. The velocity v of an object traveling in a fixed direction may be calculated by dividing the distance s it has traveled by the time t taken to do so, and may be expressed as.
V = s/t.
1. Quickness of motion; swiftness; speed; celerity; rapidity.
2. Rate of motion; the relation of motion to time, measured by the number of units of space passed over by a moving body or point in a unit of time.
The time rate of change of displacement; dx/dt.
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