télégraphie prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

télégraphie | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Ensemble des moyens permettant de communiquer par télégraphe.

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ETYM Cf. French télégraphie.
Communicating at a distance by electric transmission over wire.
Transmission of coded messages along wires by means of electrical signals. The first modern form of telecommunication, it now uses printers for the transm
ission and receipt of messages. Telex is an international telegraphy network.
Overland cables were developed in the 1830s, but early attempts at underwater telegraphy were largely unsuccessful until the discovery of the insulating gum gutta-percha 1843 enabled a cable to be laid across the English Channel 1851. Duplex telegraph was invented in the 1870s, enabling messages to be sent in both directions simultaneously. Early telegraphs were mainly owned by the UK: 72% of all submarine cables were British-owned 1900.
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ženski rod, telekomunikacije