transformateur prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

transformateur | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rodelektrotehnika
convertisseur · modificateur · transfo · élévateur de tension
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A device used to change the voltage of an alternating current signal or to change the impedance of an alternating current circuit.
Device in which, by electromagnetic induction, an alternating current (ac) of one voltage is transformed to another voltage, without change o
f frequency. Transformers are widely used in electrical apparatus of all kinds, and in particular in power transmission where high voltages and low currents are utilized.
A transformer has two coils, a primary for the input and a secondary for the output, wound on a common iron core. The ratio of the primary to the secondary voltages (and currents) is directly (and inversely) proportional to the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils.
An electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage.
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transformateur | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Qui transforme.
2. Appareil qui permet de transférer de l'électricité d'un circuit ŕ un autre après en avoir modifié la tension.

convertisseur · modificateur · transfo · élévateur de tension
Prevedi transformateur na:

srpski · nemački

Mašinski prevod reči transformateur

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