thermomètre prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

thermomètre | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Instrument fait pour indiquer les degrés de chaleur ou de froid (les températures ne sont pas 'mesurables' au sens strict).
2. Au fig. ce qui permet d'évaluer une situation, un degré de confiance, assurance, indignation, etc. Les sondages sont le thermomètre de l'opinion.

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ETYM Thermo- + -meter: cf. French thermomčtre. Related to Thermal.
Instrument for measuring temperature. There are many types, designed to measure different temperature ranges to varying degrees of accuracy. Each makes use of a different physical effect of temperature. Expansion of
a liquid is employed in common liquid-in-glass thermometers, such as those containing mercury or alcohol. The more accurate gas thermometer uses the effect of temperature on the pressure of a gas held at constant volume. A resistance thermometer takes advantage of the change in resistance of a conductor (such as a platinum wire) with variation in temperature. Another electrical thermometer is the thermocouple. Mechanically, temperature change can be indicated by the change in curvature of a bimetallic strip (as commonly used in a thermostat).
For measuring temperature.
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