tarif prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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muški rod

1. Barème. Le tarif des amendes.
2. Prix. Le tarif d'un service.

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For a business, the amount of money it has to spend in order to produce goods and services for sale.
In business studies, direct costs are costs that vary directly with output, such as raw material inputs. Indirect costs are costs that change as output changes but not in direct proportion. Overhead costs are the costs of running the business which do not change as output changes. In economics, these
three cost concepts are called variable, semivariable, and fixed costs. Total cost is the sum of all costs incurred in producing a given level of output. Average cost can be found by dividing total cost by total output. Marginal cost is the cost of producing an extra unit of output. The opportunity cost of production is what has to be given up because a particular choice has been made. It is the benefit foregone of the next best alternative. The private cost of production is the cost to the individual or business that created the cost. Social costs are all the costs incurred by society through production. Private cost may be less than social cost because, for example, a producer may not have to pay for polluting the environment.
The total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor.
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monetary value · price · toll

entry fee




ETYM AS. faru journey, from faran. Related to Fare.
(Homonym: fair).
1. A paying (taxi) passenger.
2. The food and drink that are regularly consumed.
3. The sum charged for riding in a public conveyance.

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ETYM Old Eng. fe, feh, feoh, cattle, property, money, fief, AS. feoh cattle, property, money.
1. A fixed charge for professional services.
2. An interest in land capable of being inherited.
Law, heritable estate in land. fee simple, fee heritable without restrictions as to heirs; unconditional use. fee tail, entailed fee.



1. The amount of money needed to purchase something; SYN. terms, damage.
2. Value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; SYN. cost, toll.
3. The high
value or worth of something
4. A reward for helping to catch a criminal
5. Cost of bribing someone:
6. Value put on a commodity at the point of exchange. In a free market it is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. In an imperfect market, firms face a trade-off between charging a higher price and losing sales, or charging a lower price and gaining sales.
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ETYM French tarif; cf. Spanish and Portu. tarifa, Italian tariffa; all from Arabic ta'rîf information, explanation, definition, from arafa, to know, to inform, explain.
1. A schedule of duties or taxes imposed by the government of a country upon goods imported or exported.
2. The duty or tax so imposed.
3. Any sche
dule or system of rates, changes, etc.
Tax or duty placed on goods when they are imported into a country or trading bloc (such as the European Union) from outside. The aim of tariffs is to reduce imports by making them more expensive.
Organizations such as the EU, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have worked toward mutual lowering of tariffs among countries. Tariffs have generally been used by governments to protect home industries from lower-priced foreign goods, and have been opposed by supporters of free trade. For a tariff to be successful, it must not provoke retaliatory tariffs from other countries.
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ETYM Old Eng. tol, AS. toll; akin to OS. and Dutch tol, German zoll, Old High Germ. zol, Icel. tollr, Swed. tull, Dan. told, and also to Eng. tale; -- originally, that which is counted out in payment. Related to Tale number.
A fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance).

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