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ženski rod

(Littéraire) Révolte contre l'autorité.

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ETYM Old Eng. sedicioun, Old Fren. sedition, French sédition, from Latin seditio, originally, a going aside; hence, an insurrectionary separation; pref. se-, sed-, aside + itio a going, from ire, itum, to go. Related to Issue.
An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or
overthrow of the government.
Incitement to rebellion.
The stirring up of discontent, resistance, or rebellion against the government in power.
In the UK, the offense of inciting unlawful opposition to the crown and government. Unlike treason, sedition does not carry the death penalty.
It includes attempting to bring into contempt or hatred the person of the reigning monarch, the lawfully established government, or either house of Parliament; inciting a change of government by other than lawful means; and raising discontent between different sections of the sovereign's subjects. Today any criticism aimed at reform is allowable.
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ETYM Old Eng. trecherďe, trichere, Old Fren. trecherie, tricherie, French tricherie trickery, from tricher to cheat, to trick, Old Fren. trichier, trechier; probably of Teutonic origin. Related to Trickery, Trick.
An act of deliberate betrayal; SYN. betrayal, treason, perfidy.

betrayal · perfidiousness · perfidy · treason



ETYM Old Eng. tresun, treisun, traisoun, Old Fren. traďson, French trahison, Latin traditio a giving up, a delivering up, from tradere to give up, betray. Related to Traitor, Tradition.
1. A crime that undermines the offender's gover
nment; SYN. high treason, lese majesty.
2. Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior; SYN. subversiveness, traitorousness.
Act of betrayal, in particular against the sovereign or the state to which the offender owes allegiance.
In the us, treason is defined in the constitution as the crime of “levying war against [the United States], or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort”. Congress has the power to declare the punishment for treason.
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