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muški rodbotanika

Arbre exotique.


poison ivy


Climbing plant common in eastern and central United States with ternate leaves and greenish flowers followed by white berries; yields an irritating oil that causes a rash on contact.
North American plant Rhus radicans of th
e cashew family, having leaves composed of three leaflets, yellowish flowers, and ivory-colored, berrylike fruit. The leaves are variable and may be dull or shiny, leathery or thin, toothed or smooth-edged. It can grow as an erect shrub, trailing vine, or climber. All parts of the plant contain a heavy, nonvolatile oil that causes inflammation of the skin with itching rash, blisters, and/or swelling in susceptible persons. Numerous birds feed on the berries. + prikaži više

Rhus radicans · Toxicodendron radicans · markweed · poison mercury · poison oak



ETYM French sumac, formerly sumach (cf. Spanish zumaque), from Arabic summâq.
1. A shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus); SYN. sumach, shumac.r /> 2. Wood of a sumac.
Any bush or tree of the genus Rhus of the cashew family, having pinnate compound leaves and clusters of small reddish fruits. Staghorn sumac Rhus typhina, growing to 36 ft/11 m tall, is common in North America. Included too are several poisonous plants (sometimes referred to collectively as the genus Toxicodendron), such as poison ivy, poison sumac, and certain Japanese sumacs.
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