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ETYM Old Eng. grant, graunt, Old Fren. graant, creant, promise, assurance. Related to Grant.
1. (Law) A transfer of property by deed of conveyance; SYN. assignment.
2. A right or privilege that has been granted.
3. Any monetary aid.
4. The act of providing a subsidy; SYN. subsidization, subsidisation.

Cary Grant · Duncan Grant · Duncan James Corrow Grant · Grant · Hiram Ulysses Grant · President Gran · Ulysses Grant · Ulysses S. Grant · Ulysses Simpson Grant · assignment · concession · subsidisation · subsidization + prikaži više



ETYM Latin subsidium the troops stationed in reserve in the third line of battlem reserve, support, help, from subsidere to sit down, lie in wait: cf. French subside. Related to Subside.
A grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public.
Government payment or concession granted to a state or private compa
ny, or an individual. A subsidy may be provided to keep prices down, to stimulate the market for a particular product, or because it is perceived to be in the public interest.
The payment of subsidies may distort the market, create shortages, reduce efficiency, or waste resources that could be used more beneficially elsewhere. Export subsidies are usually condemned because they represent unfair competition.
Many countries provide subsidies for transport systems and public utilities such as water, gas, and electricity supplies.
Subsidies are also given for art, science, and religion when they cannot be self-supporting to the standards perceived desirable.
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