sexisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

sexisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Discrimination entre les sexes (au profit du sexe masculin).
2. Misogynie.

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Discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex.
Belief in (or set of implicit assumptions about) the superiority of one's own sex, often accompanied by a stereotype or preconceived idea about the oppos
ite sex. Sexism may also be accompanied by discrimination on the basis of sex, generally as practiced by men against women.
The term, coined by analogy with racism, was first used in the 1960s by feminist writers to describe language or behavior that implied women's inferiority. Examples include the contentious use of male pronouns to describe both men and women, and the assumption that some jobs are typically or appropriately performed only by one sex.
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