révolution prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

révolution | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Tour.
2. Rotation. La révolution d'un satellite.
3. Changement. La révolution des moeurs.
4. (Familier) Agitation. Mettre la révolution dans un service.

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ETYM French révolution, Latin revolutio. Related to Revolve.
1. A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.
2. The overthrow of a government by those who are governed.
Any rapid, far-reaching, or violent change in the political, social, or economic structure of society. It is usually applied to political change: examples include the American Revolution, where the colonists broke free from thei
r colonial ties and established a sovereign, independent nation; the French Revolution, where an absolute monarchy was overthrown by opposition from inside the country and a popular uprising; and the Russian Revolution, where a repressive monarchy was overthrown by those seeking to institute widespread social and economic changes based on a socialist model. In 1989–90 the Eastern Bloc nations demonstrated against and voted out the Communist party, in many cases creating a prodemocracy revolution.
While political revolutions are often associated with violence, other types of change can have just as much impact on society. Most notable is the Industrial Revolution of the mid-18th century, which caused massive economic and social changes. In the 1970s and 1980s a high-tech revolution based on the silicon chip took place, facilitating the widespread use of computers.
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