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ženski rod

1. Bord.
2. Berge.

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1. A building in which commercial banking is transacted; SYN. bank building.
2. A small, hollow object in which one keeps one's money SYN. piggybank.
3. The funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games
4. A fligh
t maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning).
5. A long ridge or pile
6. A slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force; SYN. cant, camber.
7. A supply or stock held in reserve especially for future use (especially in emergencies).
8. An arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
9. Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
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