1. Chiffre d'affaires. La recette de la semaine.
2. Formule. Une recette de cuisine.
3. Méthode.
4. Marche ŕ suivre. La recette du succès.
5. Perception. La recette des impôts.
1. Banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank; SYN. banker's acceptance.
2. In contract law: words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract).
3. The act of taking something that is offered
4. The state of being acceptable and accepted
Commerce, agreement to pay bill of exchange when due. acceptance-house, merchant banker. acceptance for honor, taking up of bill of exchange by person other than drawer to protect honor of party to bill.
ETYM Old Eng. receite, Old Fren. recete, recepte, French recette, from Latin recipere, receptum, to receive. Related to Receive.<br />
1. Recipe.
2. An acknowledgment (usually tangible) that payment has been made.
3. The act or process of receiving.
4. Something received — usually used in plural.
5. A writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money.
ETYM Latin, imperative of recipere to take back, take in, receive. Related to Receive.
1. Directions for making something; SYN. formula.
2. A set of instructions for making something from various ingredients.
3. A formula or procedure for doing or attaining something.