promotion prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

promotion | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Nomination.
2. Avancement. Recevoir une promotion.
3. Classe. La promotion de 1990.
4. Opération commerciale en faveur d'un produit.

Prevedi promotion na:

srpski · nemački



ETYM Latin promotio: cf. French promotion.
1. A message issued in behalf of some product or cause or institution; SYN. publicity, promotional material.
2. Act of raising in rank or position.
3. Encouragement of t
he progress or growth or acceptance of something; SYN. furtherance, advancement.
Or merchandising selling technique used by a business organization to persuade customers to buy its products in the short term. Below-the-line promotion or merchandising would include special offers such as free gifts, discounts, competitions, better value offers (for example, 500 grams for the price of 400 grams), and trade-ins.
Above-the-line promotion is advertising.
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advancement · forwarding · furtherance · packaging · promotional material · publicity + prikaži više

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