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A set of characters of the same typeface (such as Garamond), style (such as italic), and weight (such as bold). A font consists of all the characters available in a particular style and weight for a particular design; a typeface consists of the design itself. Fonts are used by computers for on-screen displays and by printers for hard-copy output. In both cases, the fonts are stored either as bit maps (patterns of dots) or as outlines (defined by a set of mathematical formulas). Even if the system cannot simulate different typefaces on the screen, application programs may be able to send information about typeface and style to a printer, which can then reproduce the font if a font description is available. See also bit map, font generator.
Or fount; Complete set of printed or display characters of the same typeface, size, and style (bold, italic, underlined, and so on). In the UK, font sizes are measured in points, a point being approximately 0.3 mm.
Fonts used in computer setting are of two main types: bit-mapped and outline. Bit-mapped fonts are stored in the computer memory as the exact arrangement of pixels or printed dots required to produce the characters in a particular size on a screen or printer. Outline fonts are stored in the computer memory as a set of instructions for drawing the circles, straight lines, and curves that make up the outline of each character. They require a powerful computer because each character is separately generated from a set of instructions and this requires considerable computation. Bit-mapped fonts become very ragged in appearance if they are enlarged and so a separate set of bit maps is required for each font size. In contrast, outline fonts can be scaled to any size and still maintain exactly the same appearance.
A specific size and style of type within a type family; SYN. fount, typeface, face.
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1. Fountain, source
2. British; a type font

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Style of printed lettering. Books, newspapers, and other printed matter display different styles of lettering; each style is named, common examples being Times and Baskerville. These different “families” of alphabets have been designed over the centuries since printing was first introduced to Europe in the 15th century, and each has distinguishing characteristics. See also typography.
A specific, named design of a set of printed characters, such as Helvetica Bold Oblique, that has a specified obliqueness (degree of slant) and stroke weight (thickness of line). A typeface is not the same as a font, which is a specific size of a specific typeface, such as 12-point Helvetica Bold Oblique. Nor is a typeface the same as a typeface family, which is a group of related typefaces, such as the Helvetica family including Helvetica, Helve­tica Bold, Helvetica Oblique, and Helvetica Bold Oblique. See also font.
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police | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Ordre public. Assurer la police.
2. Force publique. Appeler la police.
3. Contrat d'assurance.
4. (Imprimerie) Fonte.

administration · assurance · contrat · discipline · fonte · force publique · gouvernement · justice · maison bourreman · maréchaussée · milice · ordre · politique · poulaille · rousse · sécurité · sûreté · type + prikaži više
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ETYM French, from Latin politia the condition of a state, government, administration, Greek, to be a citizen, to govern or administer a state, from polis city; akin to Skr. pur, puri. Related to Policy polity, Polity.
The force of policemen and officers; SYN. police force, c
onstabulary, law.
Civil law-and-order force. In the us, law enforcement is the responsibility of municipal and state government except for violations of specific federal laws or cases in which state borders have been crossed. Unlike many countries, there is no national police force. The Federal Bureau of Investigation assists state and local law-enforcement authorities.
The exercise of police power in the us is restricted and controlled in order to protect civil rights. Recent us Supreme Court decisions have relaxed some guidelines for searches.
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