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ženski rodptica

(Numida meleagris entre autres) Oiseau gallinacé de basse-cour dont la tête est munie d'une sorte de casque de corne et dont le plumage gris bleuâtre est semé de taches blanches plus ou moins arrondies.

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guinea fowl


West African bird having dark plumage mottled with white; native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world; SYN. guinea, Numida meleagris.
Chickenlike African bird of the family Numididae. The group includes the helmet guinea fowl Numida meleagris, which has a horny growth on the head, white-spotted feathers, and fleshy cheek wattles. It is the ancestor of the domestic guinea fowl.
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Numida meleagris · guinea

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