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papyrus | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Plante.
2. Manuscrit sur ses feuilles.

cypéracées · manuscrit
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ETYM Latin, from Greek papyros. Related to Paper.
(Irregular plural: papyruses, or: papyri).
1. A document written on papyrus.
2. Paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans.
3. Tall sedge of the Nile valley y
ielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times; SYN. Egyptian paper reed, paper rush, Cyperus papyrus.
Kind of sedge from which paperlike material was made; writing on papyrus.
Type of paper made by the ancient Egyptians. Typically papyrus was made by gluing together some 20 sheets of the pith of the papyrus or paper reed plant Cyperus papyrus, family Cyperaceae. These sheets were arranged in alternating layers aligned vertically, followed by horizontally. The strips were then covered with linen and beaten with a mallet. Finally, the papyrus was polished with a stone. Papyrus was in use before the First Dynasty.
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