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1. A state in northwestern United States on the Pacific; Also called: Beaver State.
2. City in Illinois (USA); zip code 61061.
3. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 64473.
4. City in Ohio (USA).
5. Village in Wisconsin (USA); zip code 53575.
State in NW US, on the Pacific coast; nicknamed Beaver State.
area 251,500 sq km/97,079 sq mi.
capital Salem.
towns and cities Portland, Eugene.

features Columbia and Snake rivers; the fertile Willamette River valley; Crater Lake national park (the deepest lake in the US, 589 m/1,933 ft), formed as a result of the eruption of Mount Mazama; Newberry national volcanic monument; Oregon Caves national monument; Cascade Mountains; Pacific coast; vineyards; Mount Hood national forest (Mount Hood 3,427 m/11,245 ft); High Desert Museum, Bend, with a living exhibit of plants and animals native to th
e arid region of the Pacific Northwest; Portland, with Yamhill and Skidmore national historic districts, End of the Trail Interpretative Center (the history of the Oregon Trail), the McLoughlin historic district, with Victorian buildings, including the John McLoughlin House national historic site (1846), Pittock Mansion (1909), Portland Art Museum, Chinatown, Forest Park (15,000 acres, the largest urban wilderness in the US), and Washington Park Rose Garden and Japanese Garden; Fort Clatsop national memorial, commemorating the first sight of the Pacific by Lewis and.
Clark 1805; Hoover-Minthorne House (1881), the boyhood home of President Herbert Hoover; Willamette University, Salem (1842), the oldest college in the West; Reed College (1909); the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland.
industries wheat, livestock, timber, electronics.
famous people Chief Joseph, Ursula LeGuin, Linus Pauling, John Reed.
history coast sighted by Spanish and English sailors 16th–17th centuries; part of coastline charted by James Cook 1778 on his search for the Northwest Passage; claimed for the US 1792 by Robert Gray, whose ship Columbia sailed into the river now named for it; explored by Lewis and Clark 1805; Astoria, John Jacob Astor’s fur depot, founded at the mouth of the Columbia 1811; boundary between US settlers and the Hudson’s Bay Company fixed 1846 by Oregon Treaty. Oregon Territory included Washington until 1853; Oregon achieved statehood 1859. It remained relatively isolated until the completion of the first transcontinental railroad link 1883. Improved transportation helped make it the nation’s leading lumber producer and a major exporter of food products. Development also was aided by hydroelectric projects, many of them undertaken by the federal government.
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