orchidée prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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ženski rodbotanika

Plante ornementale des pays tropicaux ŕ fleur somptueuse dont il existe de nombreuses variétés, la fleur elle-même. Pas d'orchidées pour Miss Blandish (J.Hadley-Chase).

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Any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors; SYN. orchidaceous plant.
Any plant of the family Orchidaceae, which contains at least 15,000 species and 7
00 genera, distributed throughout the world except in the coldest areas, and most numerous in damp equatorial regions. The flowers are the most evolved of the plant kingdom, have three sepals and three petals and are sometimes solitary, but more usually borne in spikes, racemes, or panicles, either erect or drooping.
Such orchids include the showy orchis Orchis spectabilis and rattlesnake orchids (genus Goodyera) of North America.
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orchidaceous plant

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