nominalisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

nominalisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


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(Philosophie) Doctrine qui nie les idées générales.

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The doctrine that the various objects labeled by the same term have nothing in common but their name.
Doctrine that naming of things defines reality
Philosophy doctrine that universal terms and abstractions are mere names and have no reality.
In philosophy, the theory that obj
ects of general terms (such as “red” and “dog”) have nothing in common except the general term. Nominalists deny that the meaning of a general term is an independently accessible thing, concept, or
Universal. Nominalists also deny that any particular thing has an independently real essence.
Consequently, nominalism makes our classifications arbitrary. The opposite of nominalism is realism, and the dispute between these two theories has continued since at least the 11th century. Leading nominalists include William of Occam, Thomas Hobbes, Nelson Goodman, and W V O Quine.
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