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1. Borough in Pennsylvania (USA); zip code 18444.
2. City in Idaho (USA); zip code 83843.
3. City in Kansas (USA); zip code 67952.
4. Formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia; since 1992 the capital of Russia; Also called: capital of the Soviet Union, Russian capital.
5. Town in Tennessee (USA); zip code 38057.
6. Village in Ohio (USA); zip code 45153.
(Russian Moskva) Industrial city, capital of the Russian Federation and of the Moskva region, and formerly (1922–91) of the USSR, on the Moskva River 640 km/400 mi SE of St Petersburg; Its industries include machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, chemicals, and many food products.
The 12th-century Kremlin (Citadel), at the center of the city, is a walled enclosure containing a number of historic buildings, including three cathedrals, one of them the burial place of the tsars; the Ivan Veliki tower 90 m/300 ft, a famine-relief work commissioned by Boris Godunov 1600; various palaces, including the former imperial palace; museums; and the Tsar Kolokol, the world's largest bell (200 metric tons) 1735. The walls of the Kremlin are crowned by 18 towers and have five gates. Red Square, used for political demonstrations and proc
essions, contains St Basil's Cathedral, the state department store GUM, and Lenin's tomb. The former headquarters of the former KGB, with Lubyanka Prison behind it, is in Dzerzhinsky Square; the underground railroad was opened 1935.
The former Russian parliament building, made of white marble and known as the “White House”, was built in 1981 as the headquarters of the Russian Republic. It is on the Moskva river, near the Kutuzovsky Bridge. The building was under siege for two weeks 1993 following the dissolution of parliament by President Yeltsin. The Russian parliament, now known as the State Duma, moved October 1994 to the former headquarters of Gos-Plan, the central planning agency of the former USSR.
Institutions include Moscow University 1755 and People's Friendship University (for foreign students) 1953; the Academy of Sciences, which moved from Leningrad (now St Petersburg) 1934; Tretyakov Gallery of Russian Art 1856; Moscow State Circus. Moscow is the seat of the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church. On the city outskirts is Star City (Zvezdnoy Gorodok), the space center. Moscow is the largest industrial center of the Commonwealth of Independent States, linked with Stavropol by oil pipeline 480 km/300 mi, built 1957.
Moscow, founded as the city-state of Muscovy 1127, was destroyed by the Mongols during the 13th century, but rebuilt 1294 by Prince Daniel (died 1303) as the capital of his principality. During the 14th century, it was under the rule of Alexander Nevski, Ivan I (1304–1341), and Dmitri Donskai (1350–1389) , and became the foremost political power in Russia, and its religious capital. It was burned 1571 by the khan of the Crimea, and ravaged by fire 1739, 1748, and 1753; in 1812 it was burned by its own citizens to save it from Napoleon’s troops, or perhaps by accident. It became capital of the Russian Soviet Federated Social Republic (RSFSR) 1918, and of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 1922. In World War II Hitler’s troops were within 30 km/20 mi of Moscow on the northwest by Nov 1941, but the stubborn Russian defense and severe winter weather forced their withdrawal in Dec. In 1993 it was the scene of an armed uprising led by parliamentary leaders opposed to the constitutional reforms of Russia’s president, Boris Yeltsin; after several days of rioting, during which the coup leaders barricaded themselves within the Russian parliament building, order was restored by troops loyal to the president and the coup leaders arrested.
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