moraine prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

moraine | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Débris de roche abandonnés par un glacier.

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ETYM French Cf. Prov. German mur stones broken off, Italian mora a heap of stones, hillock, German mürbe soft, broken up.
Accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier.
Detritus deposited by glacier.
Rocky debris or till carried along and deposited by a glacier.
Material eroded from the side of a glaciated valley and carried along the glacier’s edge is called a lateral moraine; that worn from the valley floor and carried along the base of the glacier is called a ground moraine. Rubble dropped at the snout of a melting glacier is called a terminal moraine.
When two glaciers converge their lateral moraines unite to form a medial moraine. Debris that has fallen down crevasses and becomes embedded in the ice is termed an englacial moraine; when this is exposed at the surface due to partial melting it becomes ablation moraine.
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