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muški rod

1. Forme naturelle que prennent la plupart des métaux par combinaison avec d'autres corps et que l'on trouve dans la terre.
2. Se dit aussi d'autres produits utiles.
3. On ne trouve pas de pépites de fer mais du minerai dont il faut extraire le fer.

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(Homonym: oar, or).
A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough to be mined.
Body of rock, a vein within it, or a deposit of sediment, worth mining for the economically valuable mineral it contains. The term is usually applied to sources of metals. Occasionally metals are found uncombined (native metals), but more often they occur as compounds such as carbonates, sulfides, or oxides. The ores often contain unwanted impurities that must be removed when the metal is extracted.
Commercially valuable ores include ba
uxite (aluminum oxide, Al2O3) hematite (iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3), zinc blende (zinc sulfide, ZnS), and rutile (titanium dioxide, TiO2).
Hydrothermal ore deposits are formed from fluids such as saline water passing through fissures in the host rock at an elevated temperature. Examples are the “porphyry copper” deposits of Chile and Bolivia, the submarine copper–zinc–iron sulfide deposits recently discovered on the East Pacific Rise, and the limestone lead–zinc deposits that occur in the southern us and in the Pennines of Britain.
Other ores are concentrated by igneous processes, causing the ore metals to become segregated from a magma—for example, the chromite and platinum-metal-rich bands within the Bushveld, South Africa. Erosion and transportation in rivers of material from an existing rock source can lead to further concentration of heavy minerals in a deposit—for example, Malaysian tin deposits.
Weathering of rocks in situ can result in residual metal-rich soils, such as the nickel-bearing laterites of New Caledonia.
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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija