melon prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

melon | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rodbotanika

1. (Cucumis melo) Sorte de fruit assez gros et presque rond provenant d'une plante du même nom dont la tige rampe sur terre, qui se divise en 'côtes', porte au centre des grains et dont la chair jaune est comestible.
2. On appelle 'melon d'eau' la pastèque, verte, ŕ chair rosâtre et moins parfumée.
3. Chapeau typique du gentleman anglais.
4. (Grossier, raciste) Terme désignant 'arabe' et plus particulièrement 'algérien'.

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imbécile · pastèque
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srpski · nemački



ETYM French, from Latin melo, for melopepo an apple-shaped melon, Greek; melon apple; cf. Latin malum apple. Related to Marmalade.
Any of several large, juicy (95% water), thick-skinned fruits of trailing plants of the gourd family Cucurbita
ceae. The muskmelon Cucumis melo and the large red watermelon Citrullus vulgaris are two of the many edible varieties.
Thought to have originated in Asia, the melon became naturalized in the Nile Valley and was introduced to Europe at the end of the 15th century.
1. Any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh.
2. Any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers; SYN. melon vine.
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melon vine

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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