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Théorie philosophique, économique, et politique avancée par Karl Marx et mise en pratique en URSS en particulier.

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Philosophical system, developed by the 19th-century German social theorists Marx and Engels, also known as dialectical materialism, under which matter gives rise to mind (materialism) and all is subject to change (from dialectic; see Hegel). As applied to history, it supposes that the succession of feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and finally the classless society is inevitable. The stubborn resistance of any existing system to change necessitates its complete overthrow in the class struggle—in the case of capitalism, by the proletariat—rather than gradual modification.
Social and political institutions progressively change their nature as economic developments transform material conditions.
The orthodox belief is that each successive form is “higher” than the last; perfect socialism is seen as the ultimate rational system, and it is alleged that the state would then wither away. Marxism has proved one of the most powerful and debated theories in modern history, inspiring both dedicated exponents (Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao) and bitter opponents. It is the basis of communism.
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