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ETYM From older martern, marter, martre, French martre, marte, Late Lat. martures, from Latin martes; akin to as. mearth, meard, German marder, Old High Germ. mardar, Icel. mörthr. Related to Foumart.
Agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels; SYN. marten
Large weasel-like animal, with fine fur; its fur, called sable. pine-marten, marten of European pine woods; American sable. stone-marten, marten of European beech woods.
Small bushy-tailed carnivorous mammal of the genus Martes in the weasel family Mustelidae. Martens live in North America, Europe, and temperate regions of Asia, and are agile climbers of trees.
The sable m. zibellina lives in E Siberia, and provides the most valued fur. The largest marten is the fisher m. pennanti of North America, with black fur and reaching 125 cm/4 ft in length.
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marten cat



Any of several species of birds in the swallow family, Hirundinidae.
Only one species, the purple martin Progne subis, is native to North America. It is a dark, glossy purplish blue and about 20 cm/8 in long with a n
otched tail. It winters in South America.
Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas.
1. A small Eurasian bird (Delichon urbica) of the swallow family with a forked tail, bluish-black head and back, and white rump and underparts
2. Any of various birds (especially genus Progne) of the swallow family other than the Eurasian martin — compare purple martin
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ETYM Old Fren. sable, French zibeline sable, Late Lat. sabellum; cf. Dutch sabel, Dan. sabel, zobel, Swed. sabel, sobel, German zobel; all from Russ. sóbole.
1. Marten of North Asian forests having luxuriant dark brown fur; SYN. Martes zibellina.
2. The expe
nsive dark brown fur of the marten.
3. A scarf (or trimming) made of sable.
4. An artist's brush made of sable hair; SYN. sable's hair pencil.
Black; dark; of a black colour in heraldry.
Marten Martes zibellina, about 50 cm/20 in long and usually brown. It is native to N Eurasian forests, but now found mainly in E Siberia. The sable has diminished in numbers because of its valuable fur, which has long attracted hunters.
Conservation measures and sable farming have been introduced to save it from extinction.
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