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ETYM AS. seolcwyrm.
1. Hairless white caterpillar of the Chinese silkworm moth; source of most commercial silk.
2. Larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon; SYN. giant silkworm, wild wilkworm.
Usually the larva of the common silkworm moth Bombyx mori. Afte
r hatching from the egg and maturing on the leaves of white mulberry trees (or a synthetic substitute), it spins a protective cocoon of fine silk thread 275 m/900 ft long. To keep the thread intact, the moth is killed before emerging from the cocoon, and several threads are combined to form the commercial silk thread woven into textiles.
Other moths produce different fibers, such as tussah from Antheraea mylitta. The raising of silkworms is called sericulture and began in China about 2000 BC. Chromosome engineering and artificial selection practiced in Japan have led to the development of different types of silkworm for different fibers.
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giant silkworm · wild wilkworm

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