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ženski rodanatomija

1. Partie de la bouche dans laquelle les dents sont enchâssées.
2. Pièce d'un ensemble qui, accouplée ŕ une pièce symétrique, sert ŕ maintenir ou ŕ accoupler/désaccoupler des objets : mâchoire d'étau, mâchoire de frein.

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ETYM A modification of chaw, formed under the influence of French joue the cheek. Related to Chaw, Chew.
1. One or both of the opposing parts of a tool that close to hold an object; SYN. jaws.
2. The bones of the skull that frame t
he mouth and serve to open it; the bones that hold the teeth.
3. The part of the skull of a vertebrate that frames the mouth and holds the teeth.
One of two bony structures that form the framework of the mouth in all vertebrates except lampreys and hagfishes (the agnathous or jawless vertebrates). They consist of the upper jawbone (maxilla), which is fused to the skull, and the lower jawbone (mandible), which is hinged at each side to the bones of the temple by ligaments.
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The bone of either jaw; a maxilla or a mandible. SYN. jaw-bone, jaw bone

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ETYM For older chole, chaul, AS. ceaft jaw. Related to Chaps.
The cheek, especially when meaty or pendulous.

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imenicagpl maxillaeanat

ETYM Latin, dim. of mala jaw, jawbone.
1. The bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
2. The bone, o
r principal bone, of the upper jaw, the bone of the lower jaw being the mandible.
3. One of the lower or outer jaws of arthropods.
4. Anatomical name for the upper jaw. Jawbone, especially bearing upper molars and canines.
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