lumière prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

lumière | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Lueur.
2. Clarté.
3. Jour. Lumière du soleil.
4. Éclairage. Lumière artificielle.
5. (Au figuré) Intelligence. Les lumières de l'instruction.
6. (Au figuré) Savoir. Avoir des lumières sur un sujet.

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ETYM Latin illuminatio: cf. French illumination.
The degree of visibility of one's environment.
The brightness or intensity of light falling on a surface. It depends upon the brightness, distance, and angle of any nearby light sources. The SI unit is the lux.



ETYM Old Eng. light, liht, as. leóht; akin to os. lioht, Dutch and German licht, Old High Germ. lioht, Goth. liuhath, Icel. ljôs, Latin lux light, lucere to shine, Greek leykos white, Skr. ruc to shine. Related to Lucid, Lunar, Luminous, Lynx.
1. Having abundant light or illumination: or; SYN. lighting.
2. Any device serving as a source of visible light; SYN. light source.
3. An illuminated area.
4. A visual warning signal.
5. A particular perspective or aspect of a situation.
6. A condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination; SYN. illumination.
7. The visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; SYN. lightness.
8. (Physics) Electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; SYN. visible light, visible radiation.
9. Public awareness.
10. Mental understanding as an enlightening experience.
11. A person regarded very fondly.
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1. A person of prominence or brilliant achievement
2. A body that gives light; especially; one of the celestial bodies

guiding light · leading light · notability · notable

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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