instrumentation prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

instrumentation | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

(Musique) Création des partitions pour les instruments qui vont accompagner un morceau. L'instrumentation de ce choeur est fort savante.

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1. The act of providing or using the instruments needed for some implementation.
2. The instruments called for in a musical score or arrangement for a band or orchestr
Apparatus (often electronic) which is used for measurement or control; and for display of measurements or conditions.
The art of composing for particular musical instruments in a manner appropriate to their range and sound. Orchestration is similar in meaning, usually referring specifically to instruments in an orchestral setting.
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1. An arrangement of a piece of music for performance by an orchestra or band.
2. An arrangement of events that attempts to achieve a ma
ximum effect
3. The act of arranging a piece of music for an orchestra.
Scoring of a composition for orchestra; the choice of instruments of a score expanded for orchestra (often by another hand). A work may be written for piano, and then transferred to an orchestral score.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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