insecticide prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

insecticide | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodhemija

1. Qui tue les insectes.
2. Produit jouant ce rôle.

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ETYM Insect + Latin caedere to kill.
A chemical used to kill insects; SYN. insect powder.
Any chemical pesticide used to kill insects. Among the most effective insecticides are synthetic organic chemicals such
as DDT and dieldrin, which are chlorinated hydrocarbons. These chemicals, however, have proved persistent in the environment and are also poisonous to all animal life, including humans, and are consequently banned in many countries. Other synthetic insecticides include organic phosphorus compounds such as malathion. Insecticides prepared from plants, such as derris and pyrethrum, are safer to use but need to be applied frequently and carefully. + prikaži više

insect powder

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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