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Débordement d'eaux qui inondent une zone donnée. Les inondations s'emploie plus volontiers que l'inondation. Les inondations du Bangladesh.

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ETYM French déluge, Latin diluvium, from diluere wash away; di- = dis- + luere, equiv. to lavare to wash. Related to Lave, Diluvium.
1. A washing away; an overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; a flood; specifically, The Deluge, the great flood in the days of Noah (Bible).
2. (Figurative) Anything which overwhelms, or causes great destruction.
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ETYM Old Eng. flod a flowing, stream, flood, AS. flôd; akin to Dutch vloed, OS. flôd, Old High Germ. fluot, German flut, Icel. flôth, Swed. and Dan. flod, Goth. flôdus; from the root of Eng. flow. Related to Flow.
. The rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; SYN. inundation, deluge.
2. The act of flooding; filling to overflowing.
3. An overwhelming number or amount; SYN. deluge, torrent.
4. A large flow; SYN. overflow, outpouring.
5. A source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography; SYN. floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood.
6. The inward flow of the tide; -Shakespeare.
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The filling or covering with water or other fluid; overflow; inundation; the filling anything to excess.
The inundation of land that is not normally covered with water. Flooding from rivers commonly takes place after heavy rainfall or in the spring after winter snows have melted. The river’s discharge (volume
of water carried in a given period) becomes too great, and water spills over the banks onto the surrounding flood plain. Small floods may happen once a year—these are called annual floods and are said to have a one-year return period. Much larger floods may occur on average only once every 50 years.
Flooding is least likely to occur in an efficient channel that is semicircular in shape (see channel efficiency). Flooding can also occur at the coast in stormy conditions (see storm surge) or when there is an exceptionally high tide. The Thames Flood Barrier was constructed in 1982 to prevent the flooding of London from the sea.
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ETYM Latin inundatio: cf. French inondation.
1. The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds.
2. An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx.

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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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