indépendance prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

indépendance | francusko - engleski rečnik


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État d'une personne ou d'un état indépendant. Le Ghana fut la première nation africaine ŕ obtenir son indépendance.

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ETYM AS. freódôm; freófree + -dom. Related to Free, and -dom.
The condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints.
Personal liberty to act according to the individual will and without any physical or other form of restraint. The absence of restraint is known in philosophical terms as negative freedom; a concrete ex
ample is the freedom of a prisoner released from jail. Positive freedom refers to the state of self-mastery or self-realization; for example, breaking an addictive habit or conquering shyness.
John Locke, J S Mill and Thomas Hobbes are among philosophers who hold the negative view of freedom; Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Georg Hegel and the British neo-Hegelians —F H Bradley (1846–1924), T H Green (1836–1882)— hold a positive view of freedom. The negative view of freedom tends to be held by those philosophers who think that the state is no more than the sum of the individuals composing it (mechanism). The positive view of freedom tends to be held by those philosophers who regard the state as an end to which its citizens are the means (organicism).
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ETYM Cf. French indépendance.
1. Freedom from control or influence of another or others; SYN. independency.
2. The successful ending of the American Revolution.



ETYM Old Eng. liberte, French liberté, from Latin libertas, from liber free. Related to Liberal.
1. Freedom of choi
2. Personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression.
In its medieval sense, a franchise, or collection of privileges, granted to an individual or community by the king, and the area over which this franchise extended.
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