imagerie prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

imagerie | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Ensemble d'images sur un même thème.
2. Fabrication des images.



ETYM Old Eng. imagerie, French imagerie.
1. Images in general, or in mass.
2. Figurative meaning: Unreal show; imitation; appearance.
3. The work of the imagination or fancy; false ideas; i
maginary phantasms.
4. Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking; vivid descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible objects; figures in discourse.
The use of metaphor, simile, and other figures of speech that create sensual comparisons; the use of symbols and descriptive language. The aim is to clarify or explain, to enable the reader to see in a different light or from a different angle.
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