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1. Ensemble de croyances.
2. Doctrine.

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ETYM Old Eng. bileafe, bileve; cf. AS. geleáfa. Related to Believe.
1. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof; SYN. dogma, tenet.
2. Any cognitive content held as true.
Assent to the truth of propositions, statements, or facts. In philosophy, belief that something is the case is contrasted with know
ledge, because we only say we believe that something is the case when we are unjustified in claiming to know that it is.
Although they undoubtedly affect behavior, beliefs cannot be analyzed solely in behavioral terms, since a person can believe that he or she is unselfish and yet still be very selfish. French philosopher René Descartes held that the assent to the truth of a proposition is a matter of will, whereas the Scot David Hume held that it is an emotional condition.
In religion, belief is based on acceptance of the reported existence, acts, and teachings of religious figures, not witnessed first-hand but passed down the generations in written form and ritual.
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feeling · impression · notion · opinion



ETYM French doctrine, Latin doctrina, from doctor. Related to Doctor.
A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school; SYN. philosophy, school of thought, is
The official teaching of a particular religion. For example, in Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity does not appear in the Bible, but was developed in thought and debate, defined by church councils, and expressed in the creeds. Different branches of a faith may have slightly different doctrines; for example, different Christian groups hold different doctrines about the Eucharist.
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ism · philosophical system · philosophy · school of thought



ETYM Ideo- + -logy: cf. French idéologie.
Imaginary or visionary theorization.
Science of ideas; theory, especially impractical; body of ideas on a
subject or of a class, race, political party, etc.
Set of ideas, beliefs, and opinions about the nature of people and society, providing a framework for a theory about how people should live, as well as how society is or should be organized. A nation's ideology is usually reflected in the political system it creates.
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